Is a wonder oil straight from nature. Kunzea oil is steam-distilled from the Kunzea ambigua shrub which is a member of Myrtaceae (or Myrtle Family). collected from wild-crafted stock in Tasmania’s North East, including the beautiful and remote Flinders Island.
Aromatically, Kunzea Oil has a pleasant scent with clean, fresh, woody, and invigorating undertones due, in part, to its unique composition, which includes a very high level of alpha-pinene. The aroma is often compared to the scent of the Australian bush, transporting you away from the everyday and into the fresh air of nature.
A high content of organic C15 compounds (globulol, viridiflorol, spathulenol, ledol and bicyclogermacrene) gives this remarkable oil its therapeutic uses and benefits.
Kunzea is considered by many to be superior to other essential oils due to its unique biochemical qualities. Its two major constituents, alpha-pinene and 1,8 cineole, give Kunzea its powerful properties for treating respiratory conditions.
Kunzea Oil is safe to use topically as it is largely considered a non-irritant.
Kunzea Oil may also help to reduce pain and relieve inflammation.